Request a Plot
Thanks for your interest in gardening at the Houserville Community Garden! We are currently full and accepting applications for the waiting list only.
In case you missed the basic details posted elsewhere on this site, the garden is hosted by Houserville UMC House of Hope at 1320 Houserville Road in State College and is steered by a volunteer committee of mostly non-affiliated neighbors. All are welcome to garden here regardless of religious affiliation. Dues are $45. (This year, $25 of that is refundable at the end of the year provided you keep to the rules.) Plots are assigned as soon as possible after payment is received. Plots are open for cultivation as soon they are assigned.
Again, all twenty 10 × 15' plots available for 2025 have been claimed.
To request a spot on the waiting list, please:
- read the rules of conduct, and
- complete the secure form below.